Robb Wolf: Paleo Nutrition Guru
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Below is an email I recently sent to Robb Wolf expressing my gratitude and appreciation for unselfishly sharing “pseudo science” in order to help others improve their performance…
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Below is an email I recently sent to Robb Wolf expressing my gratitude and appreciation for unselfishly sharing “pseudo science” in order to help others improve their performance…
In this informative five part series, Kim Mulvihill, MD of CBS HealthWatch follows The Paleo Diet for just two weeks with remarkable results: reversed insulin resistance (insulin resistance precedes the development of Diabetes 2), reduced blood pressure, and reduced LDL (the bad cholesterol).
For a while now I’ve wanted to blog about some of my favorite Paleo Nutrition reads but simply have had little time to sit in front of my computer. When I find something worthy of sharing, I know it’s gonna take several hours of research and writing to do it justice. Mark Sisson’s body of work is a perfect example of this. His book, The Primal Blueprint, is one I often recommend to folks when they are interested in understanding Paleo Nutrition.
Dr. Loren Cordain of the Paleo Diet recently presented his lecture on “Origins and Evolution of The Western Diet: Health Implications for the 21st Century” at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition here in my small hometown town of Ocala. I’ve become a paleo groupie, having first followed Dr. Cordain all the way out to California to hear him speak at the Paleo Brands Seminar and later having hunted him down in Orlando to hear two additional Paleo Diet lectures. My obsession has more to do with fact than fad.
“I’m not giving up bread!” This is often the first response you’ll hear when explaining that grains are not eaten when following The Paleo Diet. For a few…
The long awaited, much anticipated, highly coveted book promised by (or coerced out of) Robb Wolf is finally available! Robb Wolf’s new book The Paleo Solution “…unearths the story of the original human diet by uniting the anthropological knowledge of our hunter-gatherer past with the latest, cutting edge discoveries from genetics, biochemistry, immunology, and life extension research.”
I awoke this morning surprised to find an article on The Paleo Diet in my small hometown Sunday newspaper.
I guess it’s the word “diet” in the “Paleo Diet” that concerns most parents. Diets are often associated with deprivation and unhealthy eating habits. But this is NOT the case when eating “paleo”. It’s a diet that’s been around for years – millions of years to be more exact. It’s a diet that mimics the way our ancestors evolved to eat over time.
Especially of late I’ve been getting a lot of questions on “how to go paleo”. I will often respond with the standard CrossFit nutrition statement : eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starches and no sugar. This statement is usually followed by a lengthy, possibly overwhelming, detailed-oriented conversation on paleo nutrition specifics…
It is hard for me to express in words my extreme shock and alarm over the extremely unprofessional behavior and slanderous remarks made against Robb Wolf’s character following…
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