


Processed Carbs – Not Dietary Fat – Increase Your Risk of Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease and Obesity!

Ancel Keys- where it all began and where it all went wrong!

Found a follow-up article to my previous post on Total Cholesterol not being a good indicator of Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD).

For years, we have been led to believe that dietary fat is evil.  Walk down any grocery store aisle and observe shelves stocked with low-fat products or count the numerous health related books that recommend a low-fat diet.  You’ll even witness physicians, nutritionists and even personal trainers advising their clients to reduce dietary fat to improve over-all health.  Little did we know that these low-fat recommendations were actually making us sick!

Slowly, but surely, mainstream America is beginning to recognizing the role refined carbs, not dietary fat, plays in increasing your risk of many diseases – Type II Diabetes, CVD and obesity.

Follow the link below to read the Scientific American recent report on:

Carbs against Cardio: More Evidence that Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart

“…Now a spate of new research, including a meta-analysis of nearly two dozen studies, suggests a reason why: investigators may have picked the wrong culprit. Processed carbohydrates, which many Americans eat today in place of fat, may increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease more than fat does—a finding that has serious implications for new dietary guidelines expected this year…”




The Paleo Diet for Kids – Is It Healthy?

I guess it’s the word “diet” in the “Paleo Diet” that concerns most parents.  Diets are often associated with deprivation and unhealthy eating habits.  But this is NOT the case when eating “paleo”.  It’s a diet that’s been around for years – millions of years to be more exact.  It’s a diet that mimics the way our ancestors evolved to eat over time.   It wasn’t until the onset of the agricultural revolution and the introduction of grains some 15 – 20,000 years ago that we began to see evidence of the new “diseases of civilization“.

So, what about your kids on the Paleo Diet? Robb Wolf takes a look at the nutritional breakdown of the Paleo Diet in a recent blog post.  If you don’t have time to read it,  I can sum up it up with a quick quote :

Kreiki! Look at that. If you consume a Paleo Diet it LOOKS like you are taking a nutritional supplement.”

Kids, Paleo and Nutrient Density



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NFL Goes Paleo!

ESPN reports on the success John Welbourn, a 10 year NFL veteran has had following Paleo Nutrition.  To read more follow this link to the ESPN article titled “Caveman Diet – growing followers”.

Last year I heard Mr. Welbourn speak on Paleo Nutrition at a seminar sponsored by his newly founded company Well Food Company.  Presently, the Well Food Company offers Paleo Frozen Food Entrees as well as Grass Fed Beef Jerky Snax Packs.  His Paleo Brands website also includes helpful information on “how to get started” and a resource page listing  peer reviewed studies on The Paleo Diet.

John Welbourn is also the owner of CrossFit Balboa as well as the creat0r of CrossFit Football, a strength and conditioning program designed for football players.

Mark Rippetoe of Starting Strength recently interviewed Mr. Welbourn on strength training , injuries, and recruiting for football athletes.  He also talks about playing in the NFL for 10 years as well as his reasons for starting Paleo Brands.  You can watch this 4 part video interview on Coach Rippetoe’s Starting Strength Video Series.
