Pose Running Technique Resources
I highly recommend this cert (from beginner to experienced)
• Brian Mackenzie (sorry – he cusses frequently!) discussing Pose form with running: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_CFNBMattFix1.wmv
• Running is a Skill by Brian McKenzie: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/AgainFaster_CFE_RunningSkillPre.wmv
• Pose, Fall, Pull by Mike Collins: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_MikePoseIntroPreview2.wmv
• Intro to Pose Method by Mike Collins: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_MikePoseIntroPreview1.wmv
• Flat foot landing analogy by Brian McKenzie: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/AgainFaster_CFE_WheelAnalogyPre.wmv
• Using video to analyze running technique by Brian McKenzie:
(1) http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_BrianRunCertVideoAnalysis1.wmv
(2) http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFitNB_Erin1.wmv
• Running is a Skill lecture, and a few drills used to correct running technique: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFitEndurance_SkillandDrills.mov
• One drill used (our of many) to correct running technique: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_CFNBRunCorrection080205.wmv
• Using anaerobic training and shorter runs to increase speed and improve LD running times: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFitEndruance_AgainFaster_BMac.wmv
• Using Tabata to train for speed (Tabata anything is tough!!!): http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFitNB_RunTabata1.wmv
• Carl Borg (my instructor) talking about a recovery workout after a race: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/AgainFaster_CFE_StrengthRecovery.wmv
• Got to page 7 – Intro to Pose Method: http://www.navyseals.com/files/presof1.pdf
• POSE method: http://coop0611.typepad.com/files/64_07_efficient_running.pdf
• The Basics of POSE: http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/64_07_PoseRun_Techniques.pdf
Certifications (seminars to learn technique and training to improve performance):
• Next training offered in Florida: http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?eventid=761101
• Carl shared that the CF endurance cert is a combination of POSE, Chi and Evolution Running Techniques
Crossfit Endurance Website
• http://www.crossfitendurance.com/
POSE Technique website
• http://thepaleodiet.blogspot.com/
• Endurance athletes use the Paleo Diet for Athletes: http://www.thepaleodiet.com/paleo_books/forathletes.shtml